We have seen Google’s main rivals embrace the idea of software unification. Convergence has certainly been a driving factor behind Microsoft’s Windows 10. One OS is now what the company is pushing for, offering the same experience across mobile, desktop, HoloLens, and Xbox. While Microsoft has arguably been the most successful at this platform synergy, Apple has also been seeking convergence. The company’s iOS and MacOS are getting closer and will continue to do so. Google also wanted to develop more convergence with Andromeda. That now seems to be dead, although we doubt Mountain View has completely abandoned the idea of merging Chrome OS with Android. https://twitter.com/hallstephenj/status/871456529160863745 https://twitter.com/hallstephenj/status/871585401512771585 9to5 Google reports that sources claim Andromeda has been halted. The outlets Stephen Hall sent out the following tweet: “So yeah, got a second source on this now: Andromeda was shelved. Some of the work being moved to other things, though. Trying to learn more.” One of the most interested angles in this story is that Google has much planned for Andromeda. For example, the company was reportedly readying new tablets and a laptop. It is assumed the hardware has also been shelved.

Andromeda and the future

The unification of Google’s platforms would have been the company bringing Chrome OS capabilities to Android, and not the other way. Of course, this would have allowed the mobile platform to have more desktop-oriented capabilities. It seems Google has not dropped its plans for OS convergence. Instead, Hall says the company will now switch to Fuchsia. This is a separate project which will now pick up the baton and be a successor to Andromeda. What we know about Fuchsia so far is that it’s a completely new operating system. It is not a hybrid convergence of Chrome OS and Android, but a new platform that will work across devices. It is worth noting that Fuchsia is thought to be in the early experimental stage. With that in mind, we don’t expect to see Google’s convergence plans reach fruition for some time.

Google Abandons Windows 10 Style Convergence Project Andromeda - 92Google Abandons Windows 10 Style Convergence Project Andromeda - 75Google Abandons Windows 10 Style Convergence Project Andromeda - 43Google Abandons Windows 10 Style Convergence Project Andromeda - 42Google Abandons Windows 10 Style Convergence Project Andromeda - 88